A Futile Attempt at SELF Destruction

I’ve been away. Never mind where. I’ll reveal all in due time. For now, I’ve returned to my Self-enclosed, Self-reliant world only to find that I have been robbed. Not of anything physical. The physical Self remains hidden, safe in Self-enclosed darkness, hidden from the uber-eyes or the great tentacled beast. They can’t find me, but they can find my ideas, my voice, my meta-Self. And so they found it . . . and now they have taken it.

In short, my minions, they have obliterated my blog.

All posts of TheSelf-ReliantWoman.com have vanished into ether. This is troubling. How can it be? If I, master of stealth, am not safe within my hall of mirrored sites, commandeered computers, and scrambled URLs, then what is to become of the rest of you?

Know this. If they can touch me, they are even now touching you. Your bank records, employment history, personal files–all are being accessed and studied by powers beyond your own self interests. Nothing is safe. Not you. Not your records. Not even your thoughts.

Fortunately, for me, there are backups.

Soon . . . as soon as I find and secure the opening that gave the tentacles entrance into my digital world . . . I will begin reconstructing my web identity. I am Self-replicating. You will see. And they will see. TheSelf will not be silenced!

Keep watching this site.

And lock all doors.
